Lansing Michigan, United States
Founding date:
Summer 2010
Press / Business contact:
ATesh Games is an indie game studio founded and run by Anthony Tesija.
I got started making games as a kid by drawing levels for my favorite games using paper and pencil. My group of friends would all make similar drawings and we'd share them imagining what it would be like to play these levels. This quickly moved into making levels with games like Starcraft and Left 4 Dead. Luckily those games didn't just have map editors, they had a simplified way to write scripts with endless possibilities. AI, stories, and game modes were all at my fingertips with simple if / else blocks and trigger zones. As I got older I moved away from making maps and into art.
Throughout high school I explored many physical mediums and fell in love with acrylic paint and inks. For a while I even designed and sold my own t-shirts. There was this creative side to me that always had to be making something.
In college I finally got a chance to take a programming course and learned C++. Right away I started working on a text adventure since I had no idea how to interface with external libraries or graphics. Once I had more experience I started working with SDL which gave me control over input and graphics. My first three games came out of that and I was hooked. After trying C# and loving it I quickly moved to XNA and made a few games using it. Rewriting a base engine for each of my games became tiresome and instead of making my own I switched to working in Unity and have used it ever since.
Monetization Permission
ATesh Games LLC gives legal permission to monetize videos of any of my games and prototypes. There are no limits on this permission. If you are asked for proof please link to these last few sentences (http://ATeshGames.com/press.html#permission).
I do ask that you provide a link to the main page or download for the game in your description as well as a link to my twitter twitter.com/AntonTesh. Thanks!

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Awards & Recognition
"That's really weird - Rami Ismail" - OddEyeSee, 2018
"1st out of 10 entrants in University of Michigan's 48 hour game development competition" - Heart Hop, 2017
"2nd place and Audience Choice in the Capital City Film Festival Fortnight Game Jam, a state-wide jam in Michigan" - Life is Short, 2016
"294th out of 1045 entrants in Ludum Dare 30 Jam" - Galactic Planet Wrangler, 2014
"84th out of 248 entrants in GBJam3 game development competition" - Dizzy's World, 2014
"3rd out of 20 entrants in University of Michigan's 48 hour game development competition" - Holy Split!, 2013
"3rd out of 16 entrants in University of Michigan's 48 hour game development competition" - Blender, 2010